Why do we seem to think that if we live a good life and add a ceckmark in front of a religious list that we deserve to keep that good life? Job was a geat man, greatest among those in the East. His wealth, his family. Gone. Crazy, how would I react? Would I curse God and die?
Satan assumes that humans will not follow God without some payoff. He even kind of taunts God seemingly saying "they don't love you that much" or "they only love you when things are going right"
Interesting that God is silent for 37 chapters and the in chp 38:4 - God asks Job a series of questions. At first glance this looks demeaning. Deep down, I think God does some encouarging and educating during this long series of questions. One statement is out of place. Why does God send water where no one lives? What's the point? Why would you put the most valuable resource at this time where no one lives and like it? Why would you use this language to a man hurting, a man in the circumstances of Job?
HE GIVES FOR NO REASON AT ALL BECAUSE THAT IS WHO GOD IS. He is that kind of God who delights in giving for no reason at all.
In the end, does Job learn anything?
Job 42:15 - notice Job gives an inheritance to his daughters; this just didn't happen in these times. Why would he do this?
Job, through his relationship with God, has learned to delight in giving for no reason.