Last week was spent celebrating our sweet little Claire. Still hard to believe that we have had her in our life for a year, but what a blessing she has been. My faith has grown and I have been encouraged and humbled to see God provide and care for our little angel.
Here's a few pictures of our princess on her birthday and at her Claire Bear Party...
So glad that we got a chance to celebrate with Miss Claire.....what a year it has been. Now for the yucky part....
We went to the cardiologist for our next check up yesterday and didn't get the news that I had wanted. Claire's oxygen saturation has been in the high 70's and it should be in the 80's the last two appointments. The doctor was concerned that this has not improved and after reviewing the echocardiogram (ultrasound of the heart) they did yesterday they also found that her heart vavle is leaking more. So.....long story short, they are going to do a heart catherization sometime soon. Our cardiologist wants to review her case with the doctor that would be performing the catherization and they will let us know when it will be. A heart catherization is when they put a wire like catheter into her artery and put dye into the artery in order to get good pictures of her heart and circulation. There is some concern that one of her pulmonary arteries ( the vessel of the heart that takes unoxgenated blood to the lungs) could be too narrow and in the catherization they would be able to dilate it if that is the problem. Worst case scenerio she would need another heart surgery to fix her leaking valve. We will have more answers after she has her heart catherization. Most importantly...... WE NEED PRAYER!!!
I still sit here completely humbled by the prayer they has been sent for our little girl and know God is listening. Please pray that God would heal her and if she needs something fixed it can be done during the catherization and not another surgery. We will keep everyone posted and I want to thank everyone for being on this rollar coaster with us!!