this is a picture of all of us in our matching "day for hearts" tshirts (this wonderful little carnival they have for all the little heart kids and their families at children's. colt had a blast, and loved that we all got matching tshirts.
Sorry for being absolutely terrible about updating the blog but with two kids it leaves little time for blog updating. Claire has been growing like crazy. She is 12.5lbs now which puts her in the 50th percentile....quite a bit of growing in her little 3 months considering she was only 6lbs 2 months ago and in the 5th percentile. We had our monthly checkup with Dr Wheller, our cardiologist, and said Claire is doing wonderful. Her oxygen saturation is right where they want it to be (low 80's) and she is chunky (one of the best indicators that a baby is doing well). So, we are headed for the next step in the middle of august. We will go back to the cardiologist for an echocardiogram (ultrasound of the heart) and have an appointment wiht Dr Wheller. After that appointment he will present Claire's case and we will get a surgery date after that point. WOW, hard to believe that we will be headed back to children's for another surgery in just a couple of months. I have had so many emotions streaming through me. There is lots of differences this time around. We know what we are getting into....(we know the good places to eat around the hospital, we are fimilar with the cicu and stepdown) in that perspective it should be a lot easier. Unfortunately this time around Claire will be around 6 months. For all my mommies and daddies out there you know how awful it would be to have a baby that wants to held and you cant hold them. This time around Claire KNOWS us, and that is a major difference. Once again, we are calling on our prayer warriors! I am still humbled and awed by God protecting and healing our baby girl the first time.....and interested to see what we will learn this time around.
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