Christmas 09
Welcome to 2010. The current Frame family just had an great holiday season together. Colton got to have 3 separate Christmas experiences (one at home, one in Wooster, and one in Galena). Santa brought some exciting gifts to each of which it could be defined as a Thomas and Cars Christmas.

Before my break, I built him the train table you see in the picture to try and keep all of the Thomas things in one area. Funny story is that I was almost finished with the first design when Mandi said it was too big. So I had to take it back apart and re-cut some of the boards to make it smaller. Eventually, I did agree with her that the first size was just a little too big.
We had our own family Christmas the first saturday of my Christmas break. Mandi was scheduled to work on Christmas day so we decided to have Santa come to our house early so all of us could enjoy the gifts longer. Crazy but I could not sleep very well the night before because I was so excited to see Colton enjoy his new toys (pretty sad huh?) When Colton got up, we come downstairs and opened up the gifts. he was pretty funny to watch. I am pretty sure that he got too many gifts because eventually he was asking Libby (our dog) to open them for him. I started the long and teadious job of unpacking all of the gifts once they were opened. Why in the world does each toy need to have so much tape and ties holding them into the original packaging. Tough job for dads that just want to play with their kids.
Believe it or not, Colton does play with these trains more than any other toy I have seen. He spent about 2-3 hours the first day playing with the Thomas and Friends. Good times.
We traveled up to Wooster on Dec 23rd to spend some time with my family. Colton and I went up early and Mandi come up after she got off of work. We mostly just sat around and enjoyed

The next morning we work up and went to the Martin's house to open gifts and enjoy the family. Again, Colton had a good time and was fun to watch. We had a great meal and hung out for most of the day. I did have to showcase my Guitar Hero talents. I told Mandi I could easily become addicted to that game. Yet again, a great day with the family.
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