Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Underestimating God’s Power

As most of you know we had our second echocardiogram last week for our little baby girl Claire. I (Amanda) went into the appointment thinking that most everything would be the same as before since we have learned that most baby’s heart anatomy is formed in the first eight week of their young lives. God continues to surprise us. As Dr Wheeler (Claire’s cardiologist), was watching and interpreting the heart images from the echo he saw a few things with Claire’s heart that he hadn’t seen before. Dr Wheeler finished with the Echo and came back in with his drawing of what he thought Claire’s heart looked like now. She definitely still has hypoplastic left ventricle (a very small left ventricle), double outlet right ventricle (the aorta and pulmonary arteries coming out of the right ventricle), but this time he saw a pulmonic valve (the valve regulates blood going from the heart to the pulmonary arteries that take blood to lungs). During her last echo the most concerning thing was the fact that her pulmonic valve appeared to not be there or it was not working very well. This time THERE WAS BLOOD FLOW! Dr Wheeler also told us that Claire’s heart appeared that it had “compensated” for what anatomy she has, and there is possibility she will not need the first surgery and come out looking pretty good! So now we are scheduled to have another echocardiogram in about a month. Dr Wheeler did add that there usually is not much of a change in the first and second scans. As I was driving home so many things were running through my mind. Of course, what great news it was to hear that Claire’s heart appears to be doing better. I can not even count how many prayers I have personally prayed, as well as many others, that her little pulmonary arteries would grow and now that my prayers have been answered they exact way I had asked I didn’t know what to think. I know God will take care of Claire and of us no matter what happens, but I have also underestimated God’s awesome healing power. Claire continues to make God famous!!


  1. We will continue to pray for you all and for Claire's heart to continue to heel. God can do amazing things.

  2. As i sit here crying I am forever reminded that God is so faithful to us even when we cannot see or hear or feel. I will be praying that the most famous thing that God does in this whole situation is that there will be such rejoicing in that delivery room when she comes out better than expected. I love you both and am so thankful for your faith in a saviour that loves us the way he does.
