Mandi's blood pressure had been up and she was placed on homerest (good luck with a 3 year old boy). We had an appointment with Dr. Jones at 11:45 and found out that he wanted to induce Mandi that night and have everything prepared for Claire to be born on 3/30/10. This process was in steep contrast to what we experienced when Colton entered the world. We had the entire day to prepare our minds, hearts, and suitcases for the coming times. We got some lunch and tried to digest the experience. Our minds racing, trying to prioritize the to-do list and make sure that we had everything ready for our departure to Riverside Methodist Hospital.
For many months, we have had plans to have a host a planning session for NWOCYC all ages week. We did not hesitate one second to continue in these plans and were happy to have the opportunity to share our home, as well as have a community of friends pray for us as we started the process to welcome Claire into this world. Mandi and I did not get to share with these people as much as we would have liked as we were scampering around the house but did enjoy the comfort of knowing others are supporting us in the effort to heal baby Claire's heart. We left Delaware around 8:30 and got to Riverside shortly after 9:00pm.
Mandi labored through the night (just like with Colton...she's lucky) and I got to grab cat-naps in a not so comfortable recliner. Mandi did very well and baby Claire entered the world at 8:49am on 3/30/2010. We were estatic that she had good color, let out a couple of screams and did not require oxygen. The neonatologists did looked her over and greatfully said that she was doing well enough for Mandi to hold her. I was happy that Mandi had this opportunity before baby Claire headed to Nationwide Childrens Hospital. Colton got a chance to see his baby sister as well. He did ask mommy who the baby was and continued to suggest that baby Claire was still in mommy's tummy. He wanted to kiss the baby and give her a big huge, of which we had to repeat, "easy, easy, easy" but this is to be expected. We are amaazed at how similiar Colton and Claire look. It makes us simile. He is going to be a great big brother (as his shirt indicated).

This time passed quickly but I enjoyed every minute before Claire was taken to the NICU at Riverside (which they told me is actually Children's... did you get that). The cousins got a chance to see baby Claire as we walked to this new unit. Jasmine, Chloe and C.C. got a quick peak.
I guess I would title this next section "Girls Across Town." Mandi was transported to another room at Riverside while Claire was being prepped for transport to Childrens. Claire did stop by Mandi's room before taking her first trip. We were happy to see her one more time. I will be quick to say that this was a very difficult time. Mandi and I both longed to hold her in our arms.
After a little time with the family, I traveled down to Childrens to check in with the doctors and get my barrings in this new location. As expected, we arrived and found a group of specialists trying to visualize the pieces of the puzzle which define Claire's heart. After a quick glance, My mom, my sister, Robin Weier and I headed to get some lunch in the cafeteria. I did expect more than what I received in this area. For three years, Colton and I have made Sunday trips to Riverside to eat lunch with Mommy. Sometimes we eat in the cafeteria and the food is actually not that bad. Childrens... not so much. It was less than to be desired. I think I may have found a way to limit my calories and lose weight.
By this time I was super tired. I had not slept well and the emotional drain was starting to take notice. I did swing back by and check on baby Claire. By this time, I was lucky enough to get an update from 2 cardiac doctors about what they had found. I will leave the specifics for Mandi to discuss as she is more proficient in this area, but the general terms was that they were going to take Claire off of a medication (protogins) and see if her heart had adapted to its abnormality enough to sustain her until the 6 month surgery. This process will take a few days in which the doctors are monitoring her blood content and vitals closely. Time will tell if the pulmonary arteries are carring just the right amount of blood to the lungs to justify not having the surgery.
I swung back over to Riverside for some time with Mandi and Colton. Yes Colton, the Martins and Willisons have been a great help in this time by keeping track of the little guy. We appreciate their service and know that he can be exhausting. I look forward to having my family back together on Fieldcrest Dr. but am so appreciative of our family support. Colton and I had some pizza (from Riverside's cafeteria) and had some good laughs while playing together. We shared pictures and stories from the day.
Nater boy drove to Riverside and picked me up and we headed back to Childrens for a short visit with Claire. She was doing well. Still good color and resting.
Nater and I shared some good laughs and talked about life in a hospital. Wondering what it would be like to know everyone's story that you walked by. How was their heart, their relationships, their trust in the creator.
Nater dropped me off back at Riverside and I talked with Mandi and prepared for some rest. We hope that Mandi can be released today so she can join me here at Childrens.
Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers for baby Claire.
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