Friday, October 8, 2010

"the little things"

Claire is recovering like a trooper. She is doing well after surgery not requiring pain meds other than scheduled motrin and she is becoming less swollen each day. Now we have moved on to the "little things". From having the the oxygen in her nose for so many days she is completely congested. Which means lots of saline drops in her nose and patting her back in order to loosen up the mucous. She is significantly better than yesterday but it's still a struggle. So since the little sweetheart's nose is stuffed up she has a hard time eating. Which as many of you know has been our biggest battle with her since she was born. THE BATTLE OVER THE BOTTLE. (Strange i know since she is half frame and martin.......and we all love to eat :)) These "little things" seem so ridiculous in the whole scheme of her little life. What a miracle this little sweetheart has been. God continues to whisper in my ear "just trust me." What great peace to know that our God is so much bigger than all of this and he also cares about all the "little things".

1 comment:

  1. We having been praying for you guys everyday and know first had what you are going through our Ezra had open heart surgery at 4 days old he was diagnosed with tranposition of the great vessel. Just know that we are with you in spirit we know how scary and overwhelming it can be and then how awesome to see God working! Ezra is even praying too!
