Monday, October 11, 2010

Returning home from the 2nd tour of duty

We are proud to report that we have returned home from our 2nd tour of duty at nationwide childrens hospital. Mandi called about 12:00 to let me know the news that Dr Wheller was going to be sending us home tonight. We had a few phone calls to make as the insurance was trying to deny one of claires medicines but the nurses and faculty at childrens took care of the problem. We did have to come home with oxygen for Claire at night, an assortment of oral medications and a shot that must be given twice per day. Nonetheless, we are so excited to be at home.... All of us.


  1. I am so thankful that God is healing precious Claire. He is so faithful and so loving. It has been a blessing to me to read your blog and feel like I can be a part of your lives. Thanks for posting and letting us all be involved. love you all much.

  2. It's great to hear how God is blessing Claire and you all as well...this week at church we are talking about Paul's encouragement in the discouragement. His encouragement is that we become more like Christ when go through heartaches...that discouragement comes when we expect only "ease" in our path. I'm glad you guys are tender in front of Him!
